STL City Permits

Home Occupation Waiver

Please note that following types of businesses are prohibited as home occupations and an application for such uses will not be accepted:
  1. Animal clinics and boarding facilities, including kenneling and day care;
  2. Dancing Schools;
  3. Doctor and dentist offices;
  4. Mortuaries;
  5. Stables or kennels;
  6. Private clubs;
  7. Repair shops;
  8. Restaurants;
  9. Tourists homes;
  10. Automobile repair or paint shops, sales and leasing of new or used autos and auto detailing and washing.
In addition, the following home occupations shall require a Conditional Use permit and may be allowed subject to the provisions of Section 26.80.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis:
  1. Home cooking, preserving or processing of food for resale;
  2. Home daycares;
  3. Recording and film studios;
  4. Home office use for general construction, electrical, painting, plumbing or landscaping contractors;
  5. Any proposed home occupation that is not specifically prohibited above, but cannot comply entirely with the requirements listed below.
As a requirement of the St. Louis Building Code, unless the owner of a building personally applies for a Certificate of Use and Occupancy for that building or a portion thereof, we will require a notarized letter of authorization from the owner of record for said building.

This notarized letter will contain the owners name, address and telephone number and give permission to, the applicant, a full time resident, to apply for a home occupancy waiver. In the event that a corporation owns or manages the building, the notarized letter of authorization will be on company letterhead and signed by a responsible person, preferably an officer of the corporation. Download PDF

How much is the application fee for a home occupation?
The cost of an application for a home occupation is $50.00.

The forms of payment accepted on this site are:
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • Electronic Check (ACH / Check21)

There is a 2.55% processing fee, with a minimum of $1.55, that is added for credit cards.
There is a flat fee of $1.50 added for e-checks.
The City does not receive any of these funds. Thank you for your cooperation.


Step 1 of 4: Find your address in the Assessor’s database and provide a few details.
  • Enter your address information below - ex. 1234 N. Grand Blvd, then enter 1234 N. Grand, you can leave off the suffix like St, Blvd, Ave, etc.
  • Click the Address Lookup button
  • Select your property in the popup window (help is available if you need it - just click on the '?')
  • If you were not able to find your address in the lookup, please call the Zoning Dept at 314-622-3666

Owner / Occupant

A few more details about this property, please.
  • Owner and Occupant info (ownership info should already be imported)
  • Preferred Contact Method

Owner Information Copy To Occupant

Occupant Information

Preferred Contact Method

* All email addresses entered on this page will be copied on city communications.

Business Details

Step 2 of 4: Select your business type and answer questions
  • Home Occupations shall be permitted so long as the following requirements are met

Application Cost

Total Fee: $50.00

Upload lease agreement or authorization letter

Step 3 of 4: Owner authorization letter
  • As a requirement of the St. Louis Building Code, unless the owner of a building personally applies for a Certificate of Use and Occupancy for that building or a portion thereof, we will require a notarized letter of authorization from the owner of record for said building.
  • This notarized letter will contain the owners name, address and telephone number and give permission to, the applicant, a full time resident, to apply for a home occupancy waiver. In the event that a corporation owns or manages the building, the notarized letter of authorization will be on company letterhead and signed by a responsible person, preferably an officer of the corporation .
  • Download PDF

Application Submission Detail

Step 4 of 4: Submission Details
  • You must agree to the terms and conditions to submit your application
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